Latest comments



go mark! it's your birthday!

Richard's got a girlfriend.
Richard's got a girlfriend.
Richard's got a girlfriend.
Richard's got a girlfriend.
Richard's got a girlfriend.

Revisiony Goodness Strikes Again


Hello, another comment to add to your popularity :) hope the exam things are going well, sorry I didnt get back to you the other day, I er, fell asleep [looks sheepish] will talk to you soon, Nat x


I like food.

I only read your blog for the Tristan bits. Today you surpassed yourself :)


Good luck with your exam, I am sure you will be fine! Hopefully.


I am sorry, comment posters are currently on strike.

Webcams Arrived

Clearly :p


clearly they're going to be used for illegitimate purposes :)

I have three! Might even have five by the end of the term. I've chosen the best final year project ever :)


I think its quite disturbing that you have a webcam!


Spam, spamspamspam, spam spam. And bacon. And the sandwich I just made, which is good. You seem to have lots of fun!

Ooh look, another entry

Exactly, because otherwise the fate that befell tristan's blog will happen here. As you can see from the entry above it has already begun.

First come the casinos then comes the pr0n links. You have been warned!

You must write more entries!

Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Because I never have anything to say :/


Why do you never put any new entries on here?!!


The title of this entry is a quote from Galaxy Quest, which is a very good film. And...congratulations!!! woo yay

Very well done. I'm about to go to uni to have my exam. I'm scared. :/

A Laptop, A Coursework Deadline, A Weekend, And A Question

No... neither party was married at the time. "...Mary was engaged to marry Joseph, but before they married, she learned..."

And I don't think we could consider the Holy Spirit to have been married either.