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We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place
How RUDE! My room always gets used as a dumping ground without my permission! >____<;;
I'm loving your entry! But I will think you will find that I actually had 30 bags of shoes! No seriously, I had 10 pairs of shoes. And you know I said that I only just managed to put all my clothes away at home? Well, that's wasn't including all the clothes in the washing machine. JOKES!! Anyway, ta ta!
Roman Romping Spam Chomping Video Recorders
Actually, doing a bit of log traversal, I get a piece of mail every 27 seconds. "Whoo".
Compressed air is good! We love compressed air! Go compressed air! *whoo* And, you should take measures to make sure that people don't read "spams" as "spasms" like I did, and wonder how you managed to count them.
Hurrah, you have finally done a decent entry, I am very luxuried out. And I know I was wasted on Wednesday, but I remember you and Hannah dancing together at T's!!!! Ha ha!
Quite the opposite to Tony, I'd say.
Now, feel happy!
Your blog is so matter-of-fact I just sat here in the library at 8.59am in fits of laughter!!! You party-pooping loser!!
I made them pay cash cos I won't take a cheque
Well, it's up to you! :)
Was the rhetorical? 'Cause I have plenty of time on my hands...
Tell me about it!
Nice as shakeaways are, I don't think they could ever replace CHOCOLATE BROWNIE PUDDINGs.
*Incoherent Mumble*
Well now you have demanded that I comment, here it is! Where is that ho? I want to go for my biffstop! Anyway, ta ta!
Updatey updating update
not as lame as yours leela!!!!!
I feel sorry for you that your journal is so lame noone has commented. So there, that's mean for you!!! HA HA.
Happy Birthday! (several days too late but oh-well)
Hello Rich, long time no see
Happy Birthday, hope you had a good one!
Happy Birthday Richard :) [Frohe Geburstag!]
Happy Birthday!!!11!!111!1!
Sretan Rodendan!! Ha ha, mine was in Croatian, is better!
Happy Birthday, but I already said that cos I rock so much! Go me, it's my birthday!