Latest comments
Bath Boots Rocks
I was wondering that when I walked away ;)
Maybe I should just go in and ask for some free contact lense stuff?? That could work!
The term, it goes well?
Why haven't you forwarded those DVDs to me yet? I feel deeply hurt. And send me some cider as well, I have an exam on Tuesday.
I am back!
Don't stay too long, or you'll get all wrinkly and your skin will peel off.
Ipaq Goodness
I agree!
I watched LOTR!
I have not read this entry, as I have not watched LoTR 3 yet. I hope I'll watch it soon, so I won't have to scroll past this entry so fast .. :)
Oh Dear........
Hello, New Year
Yes, alright I am sorry. Some people would be grateful, not only to be mentioned in my luxury journal, but to be in the title!!! Fine, I retract my accusations!
Happy New Year Richard :)
You're up early. I'll be going back to bed to care for my hangover, I guess..
End of December!
But it can't be Christmassy all year round, otherwise it wouldn't be special!
I will redesign it sometime soon. Although I have been saying that since I started the site 3 and a half years ago...
Hmm, am completely pissed, but would like to say that was alarmed to see the lack of Christmassyness on here, bring it back! But blue is pretty, although not shiny.
Sleep is nice
We love you too, radiac.
I love you.
Urm, padget said in the last lecture that the 6th in date was a mistake and the actual hand in date was the 13th.
Happy Christmas Everyone
How does this know who i am? Are you my msn stalker?
*NoVisAnima clutches his stomach*
I love my computer
That's Windows for you. =)
Ipaq Goodness
And it's so true. :P