
I have started getting spam comments, I feel so loved! Although they're a bit annoying, so I'll be doing stuff to stop them, you get to look forward to that in the future.

Today, however, I give you the new improved links section (a permanent link to which you will find over on the bar on the left). Improved in that not only does it have up to date links, but it has this funky weird little link bar along the top to help you surf (in IE at least). It is also available at http://links.radiac.net. Still quite a bit of tweaking left to do, apart from the stuff on the development roadmap - any suggestions will be welcome.

Anyway, as some people have pointed out, I have not been making many diary entries recently; I keep forgetting. Sorry. So what have I been doing? I went to see Lost in Translation with Leela on Friday, it was very good. Not quite sure it deserved all the rave reviews it had, some bits seemed a little empty, but it was still a very good film, and Bill Murray was shockingly brilliant. And yesterday I did some revision! Before the day before the exam! What's up with that?! Oh, and I have been watching far too many films in the evenings - on Saturday it was The Faculty, The Unforgiven, Wing Commander and Police in Action (although the last one wasn't really a film, so I guess it doesnt count), and yesterday I was revising when Leela told me that 'Dude, Where's my car?' was on, so I had to go watch that. Then it was Trainspotting which we were going to watch, but I flicked over to Broken Arrow and forgot to go back to Trainspotting in time, so we ended up watching that. Then it was Rollerball which I hadn't seen either, I thought it was weird.

I had better go have a shower now, because my webcams should FINALLY be arriving later today - I ordered them on the 15th of December, they didn't post them till last week, and then when they tried to deliver them, I was up on campus. Typical. So I have arranged re-delivery for today, they should be arriving shortly. After that, I'm up to campus to hand in my graphics coursework (DOH), and then it's revision time again. Possibly with a little visit to Shakeaway and Sainsburys on the way home...


Spam, spamspamspam, spam spam. And bacon. And the sandwich I just made, which is good. You seem to have lots of fun!

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