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Uninstalling McAfee under Vista

The Marshmallow Man

"I done been busy?" Don't you mean, "I have been busy?"

I done been busy! Was working last week, and then away on holiday this week.

The Marshmallow Man

How can I leave dodgy and disturbing comments if you're only going to add new diary entries only when there's a full eclipse of the sun...

Oh, ok - that's awesome! Welcome :)

Yes, I sadly never found time to finish that site, and haven't even started on any of my RISC OS projects. Just too many work-related priorities getting in the way :/

Ever the optimist, I've got my RISC PC here, am still hanging on to the domain, hopeful I'll be able to do something with it one day. Lots of ideas, just no time.

The Official Colour Pink

Well generally speaking, I'm just a weirdo, and don't worry, we've never met. I found your site years ago via the RISC OS site you put up at one point but never bothered finishing.

The eye fiend

I like pies

Ooo, I like a good story :)

I just log the IP along with the post - has been useful in the past when I've wanted to ban certain fixed-ip sites (ie schools) to prevent casual abuse. Of course it's not foolproof, but if someone can be bothered to source a different IP in order to post abuse to my journal, good luck to them.

When I saw your weird anonymous post on the 7th, it freaked me out a bit so I checked the IP to see if it was someone I knew, or from one of the IPs I've had trouble with in the past. But it wasn't. So... yes. Who are you? And how do you know me? Argh!

The Official Colour Pink

That's kinda sad, tracking IPs. Well it's clearly not fool-proof. Many people can use Internet cafes for example.

I assumed from the IP that you were someone who has posted here before.

The Official Colour Pink


Yeah, he's starting to freak me out a bit now.

Is it me, or is it getting creepy in here?

The Official Colour Pink

I want to compulate immediately, but not with you.

The eye fiend

I love your website, it's awesome

Eye eye

On laptops, and resisting the 360

Stop it! Stop encouraging me! I must resist.

Eye fiend: True.. but if I had GTA, I will have all the shiny cars I could ever want.

No! I must resist.

The eye fiend

Boring!!! Games are the most boring thing ever.

Shiny cars are much more exciting!


That's a real shame. I currently have GTA IV for my 360 and I was thinking how cool it would be if we could play the online multiplayer together.

It is a rather special game.

I actually bought myself a gamecube just because of smashbros.

That said i think the game cost me £30 and the console cost me £20 so its exactly the same comparison, but still i do understand the desire to get a console for a game :P


> It's like saying an Acorn looks just so much like... well, an Acorn.

Yes, but I like how Acorns look.

> And a Pee Cee has fewer buttons than an Acorn, so how could you use a Pee Cee?

Because you're running a two-button OS on the PC. However, running RISCOS on a PC laptop requires three mouse buttons, which means third button emulation, and that is a bit of a pain. As I regularly have to run Windows applications on my laptop, I figured I'd miss buttons 2 and 3 too much, and external mice aren't convenient on trains.

> I'd have thought as a pro Web designer, though, you'd have a Mac to test on, if not develop on.

I'm primarily a web developer rather than designer, and the majority of my work has been server-side, so my cross-platform compatibility needs up to now have been met by remote testing services. Now I'm increasingly doing client-side scripting I will need to get a mac, but that won't need to be portable. I decided it would be best to treat them as two separate issues, and get the most appropriate solution for each problem.

> Personal choice, tight-fistedness or budget constraints are the only valid excuses in this case.

Budget-wise, I will be spending more getting a dell and a mac mini than I would if I'd bought a macbook.

Personal choice did play a factor. The design of the macbook does nothing for me, and I just don't like what being a mac owner does to someone. It's epitomised in the Mac vs PC adverts; mac extremists always seem so smug and incapable of accepting that there is a time when a mac isn't the most appropriate solution. My opinion has always been that the focus of Apple is design over substance, that they're overpriced and under-featured.

Despite those preconceptions, I was impressed with the macbook, and did give it serious consideration. However, when faced with two similarly spec'd and priced machines, it came down to what I needed it for and how I'd be using it: a Windows laptop for regular use of Windows applications, and a cheap mac that can sit in the corner turned off until the rare occasion that I need it.