Diary: January 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everybody!

I've tried sending some texts, but as usual the mobile network is ridiculously busy. Still on GPRS, but this time from Cornwall - when time and connection permits, I'll come back and do another entry with the usual. But for now, may the new year hold much joy and happiness for you all, and may all your dreams come true. Unless your dreams contain themes of paedophilia or bestiality.

Happy new year!

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Hello, 2006

I am now back on broadband, and as promised I will now provide you with my start-of-the-year entry, even if it is two days late.

The past few years, I have predicted things, but since my predictions are always bang on it's getting a bit boring, so this year I thought I'd share with you my new years resolutions.

  1. Be altruistic at least once

    If everyone on earth helped everyone else just once this year, the world would be a better place. Possibly even a hippy paradise planet, attracting visitors from across the galaxy who come in search ...

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Expensive Money

Well, that was the most expensive £30 I've ever spent.

Accidentally put the wrong card into a cash machine last month, and took out £30 on my credit card instead of my debit card. At least I won't have to pay much interest on that, I thought to myself. I was wrong - it ended up costing £4.

Nearly 14% interest on cash that they were only missing for 10 days? 50% interest if I had left it unpaid for a year? Anyone want to set up a credit card company with me?

In other news, I have finally ...

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Life goes on

I'm up to my eyes in actionscript at the moment, and its not pretty. I'm in the middle of writing a function called 'binTwosFractionParserFromBoxes', and as it implies, I'm not exactly having the time of my life. But hey, it's work, so I can't complain.

As far as targets go, I'm waay behind. This is the project that started 6 months late. It's a set of 21 activities, and I figure I should be able to get through one a day now, but I've been at the same one for the past ...

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The Great Tyre Adventure, Part 1

It is only now I realise that I haven't told you all about Leela's car.

Monday morning started normally enough - got up, had breakfast, Leela left, I started work. Ok, I started reading the morning webcomics, but I was going to start work right after, honest. Only Leela came back in while I was in the middle of User Friendly.

She knew when she set off that something wasn't right with her car, and gave up at the end of the road. We could see the problem - there was a very big screw in the top of ...

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