Diary: January 2006

Exciting Changes!

As you can see, I have changed the display of the diary - something I've been meaning to do for a while, so decided to do it today. But the rest of the design still needs its makeover, and now I remember - that was why I had been putting it off. Oh well, baby steps... I'll get there eventually!

I have also added a very simple CAPTCHA to the diary comment system to help fight the spam - you will now be prompted to enter a word to prove you are human. But I'm pretty lazy, so I put ...

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Radiac Still Here, Refuses To Go

No spam in 28 hours and counting. Either the spammers took today off, or their spiders run Javascript and I have defeated them once and for all! I'll keep an eye on it. I was aware that Javascript-enabled spiders were out in the wild, but I wanted to test it for myself, and if I don't get any more spam, I guess that's proof.

Work is going slowly, but well. Advancing towards target of the end of the weekend for finishing the Flash work - it'll be tight, very tight, but should be possible. I'll just ...

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