Diary: January 2006

Work and work

No entries for the past few days, have been working hard trying to keep up with the stuff coming in, so that I don't slip further behind with the long ongoing flash project, which I am determined to finish this month. Enough is enough, I've been doing pretty much nothing but actionscript for 5 months straight now.

Also noticed I didn't have any countdowns going over on the left, so have added one to remind me how hard I need to work, and another about my tax return. These tax things are fun, eh? I've finished ...

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Activity 13 is Done!

I'm expecting to get through one flash activity a day now, but this one took me about two weeks. It's a fixed point binary converter - seriously, what's the big deal. It's not rocket science.

Still, I have finished it now, and with just 2303 lines of actionscript code. The USML library was only 1384 lines, and that runs 5 websites - this just converts from binary to decimal. Ridiculous.

Anyway, now to start the floating point binary converter *sob*

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Cornwall Is Stupid

This morning a letter arrived from the Cornwall NHS trust, containing details of my upcoming appointment to sort out my nose. It is on the 1st of February, which is nice. But it's in Redruth.

Why has this happened? I live 5 minutes away from the main hospital in Cornwall, the doctor who referred me lives just around the corner, so why have I been sent to a hospital on the other side of Cornwall? It's going to take me an hour to drive there and back! What the hell?!

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An Open Letter To Whoever Buys From Spam

Dear Person Who Has Bought Something From Spam,

I'm writing to you today because I have a question. What were you thinking when you filled out that spammer's form for a homeowner loan?

No, seriously. Were you thinking about your debt? Well nice work Einstein, now you owe Hong Kong $769M.

They say technology is a great leveller, and it's certainly helped you out. But in 1859, they figured out why people like you have such bad luck, and they called it evolution. Survival of the fittest. The reason you can't get a girlfriend is not ...

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Happy Birthday Leela!

It's that time of the year again - today is Leela's birthday! We have just had pain au chocolates, followed by thorntons and tropicana - every breakfast should be that good. She has also unwrapped her cards and first wave of presents - the ones from me, and she appears pleased, always good.

She has taken the day off today (a good move), as have I (although it's easy for me) and we'll be going out for lunch. Mmm. Then she will be shopping for the rest of the afternoon, and we'll be going out for tea with ...

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