Life goes on

I'm up to my eyes in actionscript at the moment, and its not pretty. I'm in the middle of writing a function called 'binTwosFractionParserFromBoxes', and as it implies, I'm not exactly having the time of my life. But hey, it's work, so I can't complain.

As far as targets go, I'm waay behind. This is the project that started 6 months late. It's a set of 21 activities, and I figure I should be able to get through one a day now, but I've been at the same one for the past 4 days. At this rate I still won't have the first version finished in February, which isn't good.

And in the back of my mind I'm still thinking about my cms framework, plotting and schemeing. The more I think about it, the more I realise just how big a job it's going to be, but I think it'll be worth it in the end. I hope so. It would suck if I spend 6 months on it and nobody uses it. I know some people think I'm wasting my time and should just use/extend drupal or django or whatever, but that wouldn't be the system I've planned. I still need a decent name for it though.

In other news, I can't sleep. I've got a problem with my nose - I've had it for years, but it's been getting a lot worse recently. It gets blocked in a matter of minutes, and at night that disrupts my sleep. Sucks. And because I'm tired, I keep getting headaches that make me feel so bad I have to go to bed for the rest of the day. Which isn't helping with the work. Yesterday I had a headache and went to bed very tired, but today I woke up at about 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'm a little grouchy. I've been to the doctor three times, and they've now referred me to an ENT specialist, so I've just got to wait it out now.

Still, it's not all bad - it's time for weetabix!



Richard, how is everything? Update me on how your life is developing, please.


Get some of those little nose plaster things that 3M make (well I think it is 3M). They might look like they are about as effective as a chocolate teapot, but they REALLY WORK! Now where's my sponsorship money 3M..

I'm tempted to try them, but I'll see what effect comes from the latest thing I've been prescribed... This is becoming a joke - just remove my nose already!

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