Diary: July 2002


As some of you may know, I was HC Admin on Trekkers Rest for over a year before Zozo decided to close it down in favour of his own talker. At the start of my reign, I was also coder. After Zozo took it over, I lost interest in coding (since there was nowhere to code for). However, I now spod on Dan's talker, Honeycomb (cats.meow.at, port 3000), and since he's not too fussed about coding, and I've managed to persuade him that the fact that 5 talkers died just after installing my Tag game ...

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I Freakin Passed

I got my uni results today. I was 100% certain I'd failed Computation II - I needed 15/60. Yeh, I know, but I reckoned I'd got 12, maybe 13 if I was lucky. Somehow I managed to pull out an amazing 20, allowing me to pass and live in the house I'm paying for next year! W00t!

Let the celebrations commence.

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I have finally bought sunglasses! Yesterday I went to TW and got a Oakley e Wire 2.1 pair of sunglasses, with Pewter frame and Black Iridium lenses.

Painfully expensive, but very nice :)

So of course, today is cloudy. Tomorrow, it will be raining, and the day after we'll have the worst storms since the 80s. Before being plunged into an icy (and foggy) winter, which will last till about July next year.

I'm teaching again today. This morning it's the internet and website design. So while they're surfing, I thought I'd do this. The ...

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Needless to say, the sun disappeared, and it's threatening to rain.

I have 4 children on the course this afternoon. It's worse than 9. At least with 9 you had some trouble and could yell at them and tell them to STFU... these kids are so well behaved though! We've got through the first 2 hours in the first hour... Argh. The last couple of days should be interesting =)

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