
As some of you may know, I was HC Admin on Trekkers Rest for over a year before Zozo decided to close it down in favour of his own talker. At the start of my reign, I was also coder. After Zozo took it over, I lost interest in coding (since there was nowhere to code for). However, I now spod on Dan's talker, Honeycomb (, port 3000), and since he's not too fussed about coding, and I've managed to persuade him that the fact that 5 talkers died just after installing my Tag game was just a coincidence, he's decided to let me break his talker.

So tonight I've been setting up a dv talker and writing some things. I have now added two patches to my Playground Plus section - c_new, which lets you list new commands, and map, which displays a semi-dynamic map. More things coming real soon...

I also took the matrix test:

click to take it!

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