Diary: July 2002

Holiday Courses

The holiday courses, which I love to teach, are about to start. I go collect the kids in about half an hour. That's the first problem.

The next problem is that I have no idea what the username or password we'll be using is. I have to wait for Mr P to appear and tell me. I'm hoping that he's at lunch and will be back in a few minutes. However, there is, of course, the possibility that he's not in today. In which case, todays lessons will consist entirely of 'OK, this here is ...

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This is fun. The air conditioning system has died, the rooms are incredibly hot, the windows have anti-suicide things on them so I cant open them wide enough to be of any use...

What is scary is that I can safely say to them that I've been using computers since before they were born. In most cases, since before they were concieved.

Argh, half are singing the scooby doo theme song, and the other half are calling out my name. Argh. Think I'll go try and open the windows a bit further...

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BBC BASIC rules!

Just finished programming something for Mr. P in BBC BASIC. Little wimp program which does the equivalent of 'du -sh dir/* > file', for those of you who understand these things. I haven't done anything with BBC BASIC in a long time, had forgotten how cool it was. And how good I was at it ;)

Went to see 'Bad Company' this evening... quite good :)

Anyway, this is great :)

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