Diary: November 2001
My dog Eliza was put down at lunch time today.
It wasn't unexpected; she was quite old and had been deteriorating for the past couple of months; first she stopped eating, then she started having fits, then started walking around until she collapsed from exhaustion, kept getting stuck in corners etc. She was no longer the happy bouncy dog who would wag her body at you when you came home, who'd race round the garden madly etc.
Gonna miss her...
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Dan Brusca sent me here, and this confirms my suspicion that most of the population of the world are very very stupid. I'm too lazy to think for myself, so here's some of what Dan said:
Proposed legislation in New South Wales will make it a criminal offence to publish online any material unsuitable for children.
It seems to me that legislators in Australia need to be woken up. I don't recall a time when I've ever seen such a draconian piece of legislation denying freedom of speech. It's important that wherever we live we ...
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Grosse Point Blank DVD and 512MB ram arrived today.
Have some other DVDs on order too...
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My godfather just sent me the url to some demotivational posters. Very funny.
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I have just bought the coolest domain. And you'll love what I've done with the place...
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