Ftoopid Aussies

Dan Brusca sent me here, and this confirms my suspicion that most of the population of the world are very very stupid. I'm too lazy to think for myself, so here's some of what Dan said:

Proposed legislation in New South Wales will make it a criminal offence to publish online any material unsuitable for children.

It seems to me that legislators in Australia need to be woken up. I don't recall a time when I've ever seen such a draconian piece of legislation denying freedom of speech. It's important that wherever we live we try and stop this legislation being passed. As things stand right now, it's likely that it *will* be passed in the week commencing 26th November 2001.

If you feel strongly about this issue, please visit the EFA's alert page and pass this URL on to

other people. If you have a website, post it here, or to mailing lists and forums that you frequent.

Stand up for people's right to freedom of expression!

Go Dan!

So let's be a good MEDC and help them help themselves...

(Sorry Nick and Simonne, just had to be said ;) )

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