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Eye Watch 2009


Give it another 20 years and you'll be putting glasses back on I'm afraid!

Nothing laser surgery can do to combat Presbyopia for which you'll need reading glasses!

I don't know about re-colouring, but I guess I could now wear coloured contact lenses... The real reason I've had it done though is so I'm ready for when HUD contacts come out, so I can browse the internet as I walk down the street. It's only a matter of time!

I've been wearing glasses for nearly 20 years; other than breathing and eating, I can't think of anything I've done longer! Guess it's only natural it'll take me a while to get used to it.

I will try to write more entries! It's going to be a busy couple of months coming up, but I'll aim to get better by the end of the year!


I can absolutely relate to the taking off of glasses as being the habit of many years. I think it is something you do almost subconsciously, ie off to bed and as part of the getting into bed process, like turning back the bedcover you take the glasses off.

So, with eyes in "good nick" we shall see more merry postings from you? - Says she who seldom gets around to it herself :-P

I will definitely keep the non-barcode-scanning in mind, if I ever choose to get laser eye surgery. Do they do re-colouring while they're at it?

Laser Eyes

Thanks! Today is the start of the fourth week after the op, and it's still getting better every day, things are looking good! Everything's in focus most of the day now, and they're not uncomfortable often, just a bit dry some evenings. More updates will follow, but it's looking very promising. Heh, literally.

Hope you're enjoying your trip - I keep an eye on your facebook status, sounds like it's been pretty good so far!


Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

Congrats, I think, on such a bold move. I'm still pondering about it. I think I'll stick with glasses/contacts combo for a few more years... for now.

Hope everything is still going well, and continues to heal up nicely.

I was most disappointed when the surgeon said I wasn't going to be able to scan barcodes or etch bacon. Almost canceled it all right then.


What? I thought the point of laser eye surgery was that you have laser beams installed in your eyes so you can zap people? How boring.

Royal Mail training isn't what it used to be

European Elections (or who I will not be voting for)

Haha you can't make that sort of stuff up! And wow, I knew I disagreed with certain green policies, but had no idea they were that insane.

That spitfire on the BNP leaflet is actually from one of those Polish squadrons, flown by a Polish ace.

I had an email from our UKIP MEP regarding a letter I wrote them all. He actually said that UKIP just votes against everything, regardless of content simply because it comes from Europe. Idiots.

Finally, and perhaps the most important note: A green vote is a vote against science, and *for* quackery:

It proved effective at getting votes, but seemed fairly ineffective at their stated aim of sending a message to the out-of-touch politicians - none of them seem to care.

Expressing a view at the ballot box is fine, but no party seems to have taken notice of those views in the past, and nothing suggests they will in the future. Might as well vote for an alternative party that will actually try to do something.


"Even their own pamphlet implies they're only good as a protest vote, to "send out-of-touch politicians a message they cannot ignore". Yes, because that proved so effective at the last european elections."

Indeed it did! They walked away with 16% of the vote, beating the Liberal Democrats.

There's a very good reason why you can't see anything they would do as MEPs: they wouldn't do anything as MEPs. They don't believe in the EU so see no reason to actively participate in it, other than to act as spoilers when the opportunity arises.

It may therefore seem illogical for them to even stand for election, but it's no more illogical than the SNP or Sinn Fein standing for Westminster. They do provide an opportunity for those who would like us to withdraw from the EU to express that view at the ballot box.

While it's true that they have failed in their stated objective, it can be argued that given Labour is the only party in a major grouping in the European Parliament, it's actually the only party that has a chance of getting its European policies enacted.


Oh yeah! I remember posting that!

William Black

I do have a preference for Kuwaiti girls, actually. However, good luck with the CMS.

Gosh! Well, thanks for the warning - I guess I can sacrifice my CMS for the sake of the pudding. Seems like a pretty compelling reason to spend the rest of the year playing GTA. Thanks, future me!

I am you from the future. You cannot ever release your CMS. If you do, the very laws of physics themselves will untangle, resulting in an extreme mess and making it impossible to ever make pudding again. You cannot allow this to happen.

Happy Easter!

Joshua's tilting head

My wife is half-Turkish.

Entering My Mid-Twenties

William Black

I love Kuwaiti girls!!