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New flag MADNESS
Erk! Is this man insane? It would be just like this country to accept that change, that's the worrying thing...
Nice site, nice diary, btw!
Time to start coding
Yay for end of exams!
Well, that was fun.
If only there were good educational games that taught us things that we'd be examined on in exams. I would pass with flying colours then.
Some Stuff Happened, Nothing Exciting
You can buy lots of bears doing odd things like that in the gadget shop. Dead overpriced, but they have some quite cool things in there ocassionally.
Felt like somebody else had taken over the film... god help anyone who isn't a huge Matrix fan and is trying to work out the story line for Reloaded!
Having seen X2 the week before I have to say that X2 was by far a better sequel. I lot rests on the Revolutions...
Oh help me, why do i keep checking here with some kind of sick obsessive problem. When will i realise you dont update *that* often ~:P
It was a sarcastic woo :)
Nice to see you around - come into tr or honeycomb sometime! :)
> And with that, time to return to revision mode - exams start on Thursday. Woo.
Bloody "Woo" ?!
Has uni done strange things to your mind, or were you always this way? I can't remember.
Matrix Sweetness
I was disappointed with the 2nd one :~( not as good as I thought it would be!
Or asking me for money?
please, i want a free game ~:P
The Meaning Of Life - FAQ
W00t, I got a mention :)
We Love Germans
If only....
We Love Coursework
But the fact of the matter is those silly little boxes are very beautiful silly little boxes. It is progress... i just have to be awake enough to copy paste your code into mine
We Love... Cling Film?
Yep, it's the FM arial off my hifi :) See, you can see the tape holding it up at the top :)
The garage, now that has a crack that big. But that's because the previous occupiers built a massive extension on top of it, and it wasnt designed for that, so it cracked.
Oh, and if you're reading this in the future when I'm trying to sell the house, and you're a prospective buyer, that was a joke and completely untrue. The house is in fantastic shape, and completely worth whatever I put it on the market for.
@Jon : it's definitely not a crack. looks like some kinda arial wire or something..
anyway. love the hair cut moo! :)
Do my eyes decive me or is that one mother of a crack in the wall??
Anyone else confirm or deny? ;)
I'm back
We Love... Cling Film?
/points and laughs
We Still Love O2
Jon speaks wise words.