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Have you ever...

That's just plain evil :P

Uni Exams


yay for passing your exams :) i'm stuck in training. it's boring and long.

Congrats. You are, of course, still wrong about banoffee not being pie.


Holy Shit. That was awesome.

Awwwww nuts

Small correction, the start of the 6th week would have been at the beggining of "today" not later today. As the week starts as the first day begins not at some random point a few hours in. Honestly what is up with you and your random system. *sigh* ~:P

Yes, I have started work... about two weeks ago now.

Tell Me They're Not Going To Win Next Time

Sure, but I'm not voting for him ;)

He rocks! He's the first UK MP to have a blog, and he updates it regularly with interesting stuff. And gets flamed on it for his teens page again and again and again... I reckon it's nice that we've finally got an MP with a sense of humour.

International Defacement Contest Entry

5cr1pt k1dd1e


2 Fast 2 Furious

LOL. That'd be brilliant. Show those americans they dont know how to doings. ~:D

It Has Arrived


Now give it to me :)


Unfortunately due to changes to our business strategy we no longer provides content to third parties.
Please refrain from using material from Ananova.

We wish you every success with your website.

*smirk* ;o)

Sorry Tucker...

I want "one"!


I didn't dislike the film... when I left the cinema I wasn't as blown away or impressed as I was after watching the first film.

Hmm, it definately looks like i'm the only person who actually liked the film. Damnit it makes me feel silly.


Heh, I was just about to fwd you a link to a riscpc on ebay, but luckily I checked your diary first. Well done :)


yay! finally, well done :)


Ahh the feelings we have when we see the beloved police :)

hello Richard, looks like you are having a fun time at home :) - as for that thing on ananova, how does that guy think he is going to find someone who needs a kidney, an eyeball _and_ a testicle ... the guy who needs all three is one unlucky bloke!

New flag MADNESS
