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We Actually Love Online Banking
Yay! thanks :)
We Love Online Banking
I didn't have ADSL at home for the first two or three weeks of the first year. So I sat in the hallway on my laptop on dialup :)
And that time I went to Devon for a week? Bought a new mobile phone for the IR connection, so I could still get on the internet with my Psion.
I simply will not do without the internet :)
I can confirm laura's last comment. As at the beginning of the second year we were without any internet (not even dialup) for a month.
shut up! you would have done if you hadn't have had internet at home :~(
You're the one who sat in the library all afternoon :p
Oh sad people :)
Simon, you dirty boy! Well, at least you brought it up for me... I wasn't going to bother pointing that one out!
Should that be "went off and did stuff in Bath" or "went off and did stuff in THE bath" ? Arf.
LOL you make us being the losers table sound really amusing XD XD XD *is laughing uncontrollably in the library*
Internet Fun
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ edits are goood........
Or rather: Try starting at 7.30, I got up at 6.30. Mental-note: really should add an edit function.
Try getting up at 7.30 and working till MIDNIGHT, with half an hour off! (points at the conference)
Ha ha ha. Try having an 8.15 and then getting home at 11!
No, burn her, she's blatently a witch.
"Bring back birching for young tearaways that terrorise council estates and vandalise graveyards, castrate paedophiles and bring back hanging."
That's the funniest thing I've read all year. How about we legalise publish lynchings as well? And there's an old lady down the road with a black cat who we could throw in a pond.
Since it isn't mentioned anywhere in the entry...
Essex k8 will pay dearly for her crimes
Productivity: 34% and rising
You did get a very nice "woo badger" shirt though
I cant get a replacement for's in the wash and i'm keeping my fingers crossed.