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Woosome Goodness

That was Mark's comment. Rohypnol is an illegal substance which I have no knowledge of.


I have got the most ridiculous collection of comments on my lj, I knew it was a mistake to allow my mum to comment. And how do you know about flunitrazepam? I am very confused and somewhat disturbed!

We Love Careers Fairs

Random Person

Qualiteh! :D

Woosome Goodness

O_____o was wondering what was going on! Leela is desperate to see your webcam so off i will trot. tata!

*NoVisAnima looks at site*
*NoVisAnima craps himself*
*NoVisAnima runs from radiac's scary site like a little wuss*... though this might be because the colours are making my eyes go all funny


I just lurve your scary halloween site!


It was Leela that sucked. Because she said bad things about my face. But she is forgiven, so she doesnt any more.


OI! who said I suck?!

Was one of his many noises 'mooooooo!' by any chance? And why does Laura suck? :-)

Random day


Okay, I accept your apology, although I don't think it was an apology, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt! Laura is really naughty and stirs up trouble a lot. She also took the comment about your face out of context too, so is all her fault!

We Love Careers Fairs


We Love Crazy Busses

But but but... nooo!

I posted that in your lj in reply to what Laura told me you said! And you know that whole bitch thing was taken completely out of context:

Laura: You know my flatmates don't like you?
Us: Why?
Laura: Because they think you hate them and that you're all rude.
Me: The bitches!
Everyone laughed


Umm, no, I think you will find that you started it Richard, by writing on my journal that I sucked. And before that you called me a bitch. And anyway, she is the cat's mother. So there.



aww, leela said richard sucked. this could be the start of something beautiful!


Guess what? You suck! Ha ha ha ha. Now see how you like it!

Dumb Quiz Time


LMFAO! Especially at the evil Justin!!! LMAO LOL hahaha. Everyone should do this quiz if the results are as amusing as this!!

We Love Geographical Limericks

I don't know how good this is, but it's original and it's surely better than the unpleasant 'classic' it replaces:

There once was a man from Nantucket
In a fight with a guy with a bucket.
Sure he would win,
He said with a grin:
"If you swing at my head, I will duck it!"

Fushigi na tobira no mojiwa sora mimi CAKE


I have a plushie chiyo chan!!!
