Monitor Sadness

As I mentioned at the start of the year, my shiny monitor has a broken power button, which - as all monitor aficionados will know - is the most important button. However, I have a 3 year monitor replacement contract, so I rang up Dell and the new one should be arriving today.

Excellent news, in theory. A bit overkill if you ask me, replacing the whole thing for a broken bit of plastic, but you know me - I'm not one to complain.

The only thing is, my replacement is probably going to be a dirty stinkin' refurb. That makes me a bit nervous for a start - what if they didn't really fix the problem? And it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it might be an older revision than mine, with all of the associated problems, such as banding. On top of that, I'm risking the whole dead pixel thing all over again - they'll only replace it if there are 3 dead pixels next to each other.

So, my perfect-apart-from-one-button monitor is in its box, and I'm wondering if I'm making an expensive mistake. I'd fix this screen myself, but it would invalidate my warranty that's still got 2 years to go. Seems a bit risky.

Oh well - only time will tell if this is the right thing. I know you'll all be waiting with baited breath - I will keep you posted.

Edit: Oh dear, and now my laptop hard drive is clicking ominously...



You should take the button off the replacement and put it onto your monitor, and then send the replacement one (with new broken button) back to them.

I just bought myself a Dell 2408WFP, for about £500. It's great. Recommended.

Would have been a good idea, but the man bundled my old monitor into his van before I had a chance to unwrap the new one. Post coming up with summary of the new screen!

I've been looking at the 2408WFP with a view to getting one of those too. I've had this one for a year, and the plan has been to have at least another screen that I can use for my other machines, and to serve as a second screen for my main desktop the rest of the time. Now I have a bit more disposable income, it's very tempting!

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