I Hate My Neighbours

You know what stinks, figuratively? Neighbours who don't pull their weight. You know what stinks, literally? Used nappies that have been sitting in a broken bag, in an outside bin with a broken lid, for the past 2 weeks. And I thought being woken up at 3am was the worst part of having an upstairs neighbour with a recently activated sprog.

We have a little open-roofed shed out the back that is home to 5 wheely bins, and the inhabitants of the other 8 flats in this building are quite happy to fill the bins. However, when it comes to dragging them out to the road (or back to the shed), they all seem to be too busy.

The best bit is that when we moved in, we asked the self-appointed leader of the building whether there was a bin rota. His response was a rather condescending "there is no need, we're all adults here".

Of course, the reality is that it ended up with us sharing bin duty with one other neighbour, but since he moved out in February it has fallen to Leela and me to take most of the bins out and bring them back in.

I know that in the grand scheme of things it is only a little thing, but I should only have to do it once every two months - it's unfair and it's getting really annoying, and on days like today it's just plain disgusting. I have tried leaving them, but we end up with overflowing bins and a shed full of dripping black bags - and of course, it's me who ends up sorting it out.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to persuade our neighbours to do their fair share?


Take the bins out, so as to avoid the stench... then leave them there. People will hopefully soon realise that the bins are not where they're meant to be.

Services charged by the hour. We will be billing you shortly.

It's a good idea - I tried it last night! Someone has dragged one bin back in through the gate, and left it about 20 feet away from the shed. But it's only 28 hours so far - I will keep you posted!


I need help. My neighbour is a young girls (30) with 2 kids. She has a different man in her flat most nights. She is on benefits as well. Her kids play football in our small square thus, damaging my garden, climibing my garden wall etc., I can't say anything as she threatens me with all sorts and swears at me. How can I get rid of her

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