Oxford Geek Night

I went along to Oxford Geek Night 2 on Wednesday, helped set up, talked to the few people I recognised, and watched the talks, which were (on the whole) very good. They included web typography, Amazon's web services, some stuff about Second Life (Linden Labs sound like an awesome place to work for) and Yahoo Pipes - things that I'd heard about, thought sounded good, but never made time to find out about.

There was a camera crew for the local BBC news (see it here), and many photos were taken, but despite that I appear to have avoided being caught on camera - not particularly a bad thing, as that morning I had been subjected to a particularly vicious haircut. But it was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to the next one (Geek Night, not haircut).

Oh, and I have fixed the front page summary feature for this site, by writing an elaborate HTML lexer and tree iterator. Me, overkill? Never!

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