
Well, it took long enough, but... it's finished! Hurrah!

Yes, that's right, I've finished the second Flash CD. Well, not quite - I've finished the first draft of all of the activities. Now, I know that doesn't sound quite so good, but some of the activities have already been through preliminary testing a couple of times and are pretty close to the final versions. For most of the activities, all that's left is a little bit of tidying up - some still have a few unresolved bugs, but the majority of the work is done. The concepts are all implemented, and aside from any bug fixes, the Flash and ActionScript is all finished.

So now most of the remaining work comes down to a couple more rounds of testing and bug fixing, and a message string dump for an editor to spell and grammar check everything. The 5 month delay on the end of the first CD was while we put the controller interface together, but we can mostly re-use that for the second CD, so hooking into that shouldn't take too long. A full week's work at most.

This is all kinds of good. I'll spend tomorrow bug hunting, then it'll be time to start on all those things I've been putting off for the past 5 years. Sweet.



Yay! Well done!

"I'll spend tomorrow bug hunting,"
Why does that give me visions of the blokey from Balomory running aobut with a butterfly net?

Well done Rads :)

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