Diary: March 2006
I had a very happy birthday yesterday, thank you to everyone who remembered!
Leela took the day off, and we went in to town for lunch. I opened my presents - a DVD (The motorcycle diaries), two books and mmm chocolate. We then wandered round shops for a while, and Leela bought me lots more DVDs and another game for my DS. We also went to the Thorntons cafe and had a hot chocolate and chocolate cake.
When we got back home, Leela's mum had dropped some presents over, but had to go home because of the snow - yes, it ...
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I've just come across the page selling the first of the two CDs I'm working on, here. I'm loving the way they have no photo for it, and an incorrect description - you can tell this is something they're keen to promote...
It would have been nice to have some credit somewhere on something, although I'm still waiting for my copy of it, so perhaps I'm listed on the 8 page insert. I'll have to wait and see. Still, maybe I should put a little easter egg into the second one just in case?
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I'm a latecomer to all this RSS malarkey, and I don't know what I'm doing.
Well, that can't be entirely true because my feed seems to work, but I do have some questions about what you actually do with your RSSs; how do you read them, and what should I offer in mine? Is anybody even reading it?
I have had an RSS feed for the past few weeks, but I have no idea if it's working for you. How do you read your RSS feeds? The only RSS readers I have used are Firefox ...
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At the risk of this turning into the latest RSS blog, I have been reading the discussion on Scoble's blog about whether to offer full or partial feeds, and a lot of the comments said what I've been thinking since I first came across RSS - full feed will mean less visitors.
A full feed means that it's more likely that people will read what I write. That's good I guess - not much point writing things if nobody reads them. But readers don't equal visitors, and by offering a full feed, I lose the opportunity to ...
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I've only just got round to dragging this photo off my mobile. Leela took it last week on my birthday after we spotted it when we were walking in to town:

I think it's a sign.
Although, just out of interest - who decides to book a coach holiday to Truro in the middle of the winter?
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