Exciting Changes!

As you can see, I have changed the display of the diary - something I've been meaning to do for a while, so decided to do it today. But the rest of the design still needs its makeover, and now I remember - that was why I had been putting it off. Oh well, baby steps... I'll get there eventually!

I have also added a very simple CAPTCHA to the diary comment system to help fight the spam - you will now be prompted to enter a word to prove you are human. But I'm pretty lazy, so I put a link on there to fill the form out for you. By adding the test, it also allows me to open up all my old entries to comments again, so yay for that.

With my human check, I'm betting that (a) radiac.net is such a small site that no spammer is going to bother customising their spider to work with my system, and that (b) the spammers don't run all the javascript on the page before submitting the form. While I'm sure I'm right on the first count, I might be wrong on part (b), so we'll see how it goes. If you have any views or comments on it, please do let me know.

Oh and shame on you all for not wishing Leela a happy birthday! Or is it just that nobody reads my site any more? :)

Time to watch the last LoTR!


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