20th December

It will be Christmas in five days - just enough time left to get me a present. Quite a few of you have been asking what to get me - well, this year I think I'd quite like a new car or two - just please remember to pop the receipt in the glove box, so I can return duplicated gifts.

I forgot to put the gold star on the top of todays tree on the advent calendar. Day 20 is the last gold day before Christmas day itself, and as such it was going to be the biggest and best game. However, I have decided to save that for the 24th, and today is the slot machine. I just won 1020 presents - did I make it too easy? Beat my score. The logs say the weekend's always quieter than the week, so it might be a mistake to have moved the big one to the 24th - but do come back, it should be worth it!

I'm going back to Kent for this weekend, so Leela and I had Christmas a week early, last Sunday. I cooked a turkey, sausages wrapped in bacon, roast potatoes and parsnips, green bits and some of the other things you'd expect at Christmas. It all tasted very good. We also had a Christmas pudding and a large chocolate yule log, as well as mince pies and various other chocolates. It was good. We also opened some presents, including two DVDs which we watched that evening - The Grudge (not so scary the second time, at least not with the lights on) and Napoleon Dynamite (awesome).

I have sent 6 Christmas cards so far this year. Better than last year, but still, not really a great start - I'm kinda banking on going round to give them to people by hand, but who wants to bet that won't happen. Oh well, we'll see. If you don't get a card from me this Christmas: I did send you one, but it must have got lost in the post. Or something.


I just got 1130 in about 5 minutes... I thought these things were s'posed to steal your, err, presents, not give them to you. And I've been checking with the postie every day, literally waiting on the doorstep for him to arrive (I think I'm starting to freak him out), but your card is yet to arrive. I assume one day this week you'll turn up in person.

Ahh, you beat my new high of 1110! It's the hold buttons that make it easy.

If my rusty stats is right, it's a 1/36 probability of winning something in one full roll? With 20 goes at the start that sounds a bit unfair.

But you have what, 5/12 probability of rolling two the same? Then it's a 1/6 chance of winning. So you should pretty much win something within 8 rolls if you only hold doubles.

Then of course you can hold any the first ones, and it's a 1/3 probability you'll get that one rolling up on the other two in the next go. Again, in 10 goes you should win something.

Those probabilities are only rough, but if you add them all up, you would have to be unlucky to lose, especially if you only go for the monkey. But hey, who cares, it's Christmas!

And your card must still be in the post... ;)


22nd is v.cool, I like the guy that comes out and picks the trees up :) Shame after the third time it gets a little screwed!


Well I thought it was really awesome, although predictably I was absolutely rubbish! Well done! Loving your work!

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