Diary: December 2005

It's Here Again

Yes, it's that time of the year that you've all been looking forward to for the past 340 days of the year - it's midnight on the first of December, and at radiac.net that means the decorations go up.

And this year it is Christmas Spectacularrrr. I've put up the decorations, but it's not over yet. Oh no! There are 25 days until Christmas, and there'll be something exciting happening on every day.

In case you missed it on the way in, I have an Advent Calendar this year. Every day I will be ...

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It's snowing!

In fact it started snowing yesterday. At the top of the page that is, not in Cornwall - it's just raining a lot, and the roof is leaking. Oh well.

Hello if you haven't been here before - lots of people seem to be linking in, and there have been a lot of visitors in the past few days as the comments on the last entry suggest - thanks to everyone who has said they like it!

The advent calendar is proceeding well and I hope everyone's enjoying it, at least just a little bit ;) Not quite why I thought ...

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Advent Adventures

Well I'm keeping on top of the advent calendar - just. I'd hoped to be about 5 or so days ahead before I started, but unfortunately work has meant I've been a little bit pushed to get them done on time - and as some people have noticed, I've slipped over by a few minutes a couple of times ;) Hopefully I'll get ahead a bit over the next few days.

Some people have asked me what the stars on the advent calendar trees mean. Well, when deciding what I was going to do each day, I decided ...

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Subscription Forms

I've had to fill out several web forms over the past few days, and it's as if nobody developing them has ever heard of usability. It was mostly the usual problems - one form required a card number with no spaces, but didn't say - how hard is a regular expression anyway? Another demanded a ridiculously constrained password of 8-10 characters long, using a severe mixture of letters and numbers - at least they didn't force me to use symbols too.

But the one that has made least sense so far was one where it asked me for a ...

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Radiac Joins The Criminal Underworld

Hello there. Just noticed that the advent calendar activity for today had a couple of bugs/lacking features, but have fixed it now.

In other news, on Tuesday I was stopped for shoplifting.

I'd been doing my Christmas shopping, and had been into many shops. And you know how when you walk around a shop and the alarms keep going off when other people walk through - well, that kept happening to me. Most shops I went into, but not all, which led me to believe it was just an extraordinary coincidence that it was everyone walking past me at ...

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