It's snowing!

In fact it started snowing yesterday. At the top of the page that is, not in Cornwall - it's just raining a lot, and the roof is leaking. Oh well.

Hello if you haven't been here before - lots of people seem to be linking in, and there have been a lot of visitors in the past few days as the comments on the last entry suggest - thanks to everyone who has said they like it!

The advent calendar is proceeding well and I hope everyone's enjoying it, at least just a little bit ;) Not quite why I thought it would be a good idea to have a graphical advent calendar when I can't draw to save my life though. I think Drew has the right idea - get someone else to do the content for you :)

Today's game is Elf Painting By Numbers. Some people didn't notice the 'paint free' button - you can click that to turn off painting by numbers and colour how you want, but if you do that you can no longer win! I wasn't going to worry about instructions for the simple games, but if anyone thinks it's not very clear, do leave a comment

The subject of prizes has come up more than once. This year, I'm afraid that there are no prizes - I just don't have the time to come up with the extra content. But next year some of the days may well make a re-appearance, so that might give me more time to do scoring systems and prizes for completing things. But you'll have to wait till next year for that.

So far I have only spotted two sites running the TCMI; SheWolf and now Ben. Well at least some people are in the festive spirit. Incidentally, the TCMI is now 4 years old! How time flies.

And last but definitely not least, I have found all of my Christmas music. I thought it was all still on CDs packed away in boxes in storage in Kent, but a couple of years ago I ripped them onto a server hard drive I had forgotten about. Ahh, how good the world was without over-zealous DRM, I can listen to my music without a 12 hour drive to retrieve the originals. Good times.



I've just worked out I've been running the tcmi for 3 years....... time flies when you are having fun.

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