Parties and Stuff

Last Thursday was, amongst other things, Tristan's birthday! Happy birthday Tristan! He arrived home that evening in a rather intoxicated state, with a friend from work and a desire to sample the many bottles of wine which he had been collecting for such an occasion. I believe they managed to get through most of one bottle by the time I finished my work and joined them, and I watched them start on a second. Tristan excused himself, declaring that he would just be a minute, and wandered off in the direction of the toilet. I was left to make conversation with the work colleague, which was slightly awkward since we had only just met. No matter, we successfully made conversation for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes... it must have been about half an hour when one of us said "Hmm, maybe we should go check on Tristan".

The bathroom light was on and the door was locked, so I called and knocked, but didn't hear anything. I couldn't see Tristan through the double glass doors, so opened the back door and called through the open window. However, I still couldn't see any sign of him, and I didn't get a reply. Slightly concerned, I returned inside and decided that, even though it's impolite and potentially dangerous, I would unlock the outer door and peer inside.

I knocked once more and waited. Silence. I twisted the lock, carefully opened the outer door, knocked, waited. Silence. I hesitantly edged around the corner, and saw, through the frosted glass of the inner door, that Tristan was sitting on the toilet, with his hands resting on his knees, holding his head. Asleep.

At this point, some people might have opened the inner door and shaken him awake to a world of embarassment. Others may have gone outside and thrown water at him through the window. Others may have taken a photograph and held it for ransom at a future date should he ever try to achieve a position in public office. I, however, being a true friend, decided that the best course of action would be to leave him there and recall my adventures to all of our friends. Happy birthday, Tristan!

The next day, although we were originally planning to have a birthday party in London, we decided it might be a good idea to have a get-together in Bath instead, heading for Weatherspoons and then Qube.

The day was also results day, so quite a few people were around collecting those. Congratulations to everyone, and a special mention to Leela who not only got a first, but she also won the prize for the best overall marks in final year clinical pharmacy! Yay!

Last night I was back in Sevenoaks for another birthday - Chris was 23, and we had a meal in Zizzis, followed by drinks and pool in the Dorset. Unfortunately no exciting alcohol-related tales to recount, but it was fun and it was good to see people again.

Well, I think that covers the past week pretty well. The only other news is that I have started using those little sponges to do my washing up, and I am very impressed by the results.



Yay thank you! And well done for getting my prize right, unlike my mum who is telling everyone that it was the best overall marks, full stop! Jokes!

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