Happy Campers

So, on Sunday Leela and I picked up the keys for our flat in Cornwall. It's a 2 bedroom upstairs flat with a very large dining room and lounge. The first thing I did was to activate the phone line, and I have now ordered ADSL. There's no furniture in the flat, but there is 2mbit internet.

Having done an insane amount of work yesterday, I felt justified in playing a little bit of San Andreas at 2am. Ahh, I love that game. Still haven't got very far into it though, which is a shame, but since I've given up even trying to keep up with Peter there's no rush. There is the matter of trying to keep ahead of Leela though, so I can't give up completely.

My ADSL connection sounds a little too good to be true. It's 2mbit for £22/month. Sounds cheap, doesn't it? The company also say there is no usage cap and a 30:1 contention ratio. Compare this to similar services from companies such as Pipex, Nildram and Zen that all come in at over £30/month plus installation, and I'm wondering what has happened to Plusnet. Yes, over 5 years after moving away from them, I have ordered ADSL from the company that wanted to charge me £130/month for 24/7 internet access when everyone else was charging £20. So, what has happened to Plusnet? Even with the termination charge, it still works out way cheaper than anyone else. Well, only time will tell!



Welcome back :-)

You might have at least given me the chance to refer you ;-p


Mumble... cheap-ass Scots ;p

It feels like coming home! Now, where's Redclaw again?

You'll regret being with Force9^H^H^H^H^H^Hplusnet, I'm sure.
Just wait till they threaten to cut you off for using their "unlimited service" too much. Again. ;)


Nah, you can't use it too much - they throttle usenet using a special system called "feck up the news server pool". They also use a technique where they blame the customers for every fault, just in case.


You have your priorities right I see... "There's no furniture in the flat, but there is 2mbit internet."....


Prods CF... who just had MaxDSL enabled and is on a 2Mb connection


..... nods, and very necessary too.


Unlike the bathroom decoration?


Well, if Radiac is short of seats there is always the throne room... problem is, you can't move the "seat" into the living room, you would have to bring the computer into the bathroom.


I think your flush button is sticking ;p


Would you like to push it for me?


I think you're getting quite good at pressing it by yourself.


Maybe there was a bit of Pringle crisp under the flush button.


Now that really is TMI!

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