My Chicken Is Expensive

For most of the past week or so I've been getting in late and eating rubbish food that is quick and easy to make. Last night I decided to buy some good things, cook them and then eat them. I bought pitta bread, chicken, and a lettuce to go with the tomatoes I already had. I only noticed when I was putting it into the plastic bag that the chicken cost over £4, the rest of it was less than £2. What a joke. And to top it all, when I got back I realised I couldn't be bothered to cook the chicken after all, so microwaved a frozen pasta meal.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for something nice to do with 0.344 kg of free range chicken breast?

I was thinking either fry it with bbq sauce to make bbq chicken that I could shred and put in the pitta with the lettuce and tomato, or possibly make myself a giant meal of enchiladas, which would feed me for the rest of the weekend. But they seem a bit boring, so any suggestions for something exciting to do with it?


enchiladas sound nice but I would chop it up and maronade it for half an hour in balsamic vinager (some of the mango balsamic you can get in the shires yard near the top of town) - then fry it with with the green thai curry sauce from sainsburys and add chopped mushrooms and red peppers when the chicken is white then a tin (or as much of a tin as you need for sauce) of coconut milk and simmer with some cumin pouder while the rice is cooking for about 10-15 mins ... mmmmmmmmmmm! :) you could even use the letuice and tomatoes as a salad and the bread to mop up the rest of the sauce. Let us know what you actually do with the chicken :)

I chickened out and went with the enchiladas two hours before you posted that! Still, there's always next time :)


Aww Nat is such a sweetie! I would have suggested not bothering with the chicken and going with Quorn instead. Less Campylobacter.Ha Ha Ha. Ttfn.

I may go with Quorn next time because it's just easier to work with. Doesn't taste as good though, but hey, I'm lazy.


It's just dawned on me that the comment I just left is exactly like the comments my mum leaves on my journal. Error. This includes the obessive repetitive commenting on the same entry. Sorry!

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