It is now

Well, now I am graduated!

It was the ceremony today. As ceremonies go, it was pretty cool, and now I have a bit of paper saying I'm all clever and stuff. Which is nice. But I find myself wondering - in my time at university, what have I actually learnt? I have come up with the following points:

  • How to use a bus
  • How to cook, clean and dress myself
  • How to ask a girl out, and that going out is way better than quake
  • Some stuff about computers
So there we have it. 3 years and lots of money, but totally worth it.

And now I am away to the pub!



Are you sure? I've not played quake extensively, but I reckon it'd be more entertaining than Leela after 8 hours straight ;) *runs away*


I'm not so sure about that, Laura... from what I can hear it sounds like he still manages to do quite a bit of rocket jumping! ;) (Rich: please don't hurt me!)

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