
Today was a momentous day. Today was a day that will be remembered through the ages. Today was a day that wrinkly old people will recount to their grandchildren on a cold winter evening, who will be thrilled and excited, and beg for the story to be told again on subsequent visits.

For today was the day that I broke 1000 spams.

Yes, that is right, today I received exactly 1001 spams. I would like to thank all of the people who have helped me get where I am today; my manager, my sweet lord and saviour Buddy Christ, and most of all, the guy who came to fix my phone line - you’re my inspiration, man. The line still doesn’t work though.

So to commemorate the occasion, I thought I'd do a special index page. Wait till you see the ending, it's spectacular!



I'm beginning to get worried about you. Really REALLY worried. O_O;;

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