I Love E-mails!

This morning, I got round to setting up a centralised mail server, which collects my e-mail and lets me access it from any machine, anywhere. It works like this; fetchmail picks up my e-mail, exim sorts it into folders, and courier makes it available via IMAP (with SSL). It was pretty easy, although I spent a few hours writing a web-based exim .forward editor so I can edit my filter rules and add mailboxes a lot more easily. And at some point, I'll implement some whitelist and blacklist filtering, which should help with my spam problem - for those who don't know, basically whitelists are lists of addresses from which e-mails are OK, and blacklists are lists of addresses that aren't, so if it's on the blacklist I can ignore it, if it's on the white list I'll read it, and if it's on neither then there's stuff you can do to figure it out.

But I'll save that for after the exams. It seems a bit weird - that little countdown box to the left says I only have 14 days and 19 hours until I'm unemployed - after 18 years of this stuff, that seems kinda crazy. Good, but crazy.

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