Diary: October 2003
Just saw a quiz on laura's LJ. I don't normally do these things, because i always think they suck, but this one is a list of firsts and lasts, and, knowing my memory, I thought it might be an amusing exercise to probe it and see how much I really do know. That, and a really good way to waste time that I should be working. Meh, degrees are overrated.
first best friend: Oooh, tricky. I think his name was Thomas. I was 2 or 3, he was asthmatic and lived down the road. I'd make ...
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18 pens, 1 pencil, 6 sweets, a pack of mints and a packet of IBM jelly beans, 5 keyrings, a pad of paper, a pad of post it notes, a fluffy sticky thing, a torch, an xbox sticker, a mug, a bottle of IBM water, 3 quality bags, 2 stress balls, a tennis ball, an FM radio and a pair of binoculars!
Careers fairs are the bestest things ever.
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Last week there was such a long queue for the bus I usually get (8.34), so I decided to get the 8.22, figuring I could easily find something to do for 12 minutes.
The bus took a short shortcut, completely skipped out the town and got us here in under 15 minutes.
So now I have about 25 minutes to waste.
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Today I have:
- Had a shower
- Played max payne
- Gone to the coop
- Eaten crumpets
- Watched 3 episodes of azumanga daioh
- Started writing a diary entry
I really should work on my project...
How come Azumanga Daioh is so great?
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That flatmate of mine has, once again, taken to running into my room when I say I'm going to bed, and then hovering in the doorway making noises at me. Once he kept me up for nearly 2 hours with it...
Guess I'm going to have to go back to not saying good night...
Ooh, he's left. Now's my chance...
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