Some Stuff Happened, Nothing Exciting

Hi. It's the weekend. Um.

I finished my cursework (that was a typo, but I think I'll leave it) on Friday. We handed in the penultimate bit on Thursday, and went to see the Matrix Reloaded. It was cool. But I was disappointed.

It felt like a bunch of over-extended fight scenes just so they could use some special effects, strung together with an empty plot so that they could cash in on the brilliance of the original.

It was actually a very good film, but it still felt like a bunch of over-extended fight scenes just so they could use some special effects, strung together with an empty plot so that they could cash in on the brilliance of the original.

I think it's partly due to the brilliance of the original, which was a bunch of fight scenes using some special effects, strung together with a brilliant plot and perfectly arranged sound track. That film was pure genius. Reloaded was not.

On it's own, Reloaded is a fair film. There is a story, there are a lot of very impressive special effects, and it's all very shiny. As a sequel to The Matrix, it's poor. It's how Quake 3 feels to Quake 2; prettier, but nowhere near as good. Having said that, I think it has the potential to be a solid middle to a brilliant trilogy; it just all depends on the third film.

Watched the Eurovision song contest last night - it was fantastic. Wogan was on top form, again.

Tristan told me he got some spam today (although I thought spam was unsolicited?), and he thought that he should share it with you - however, since his hosting sucks, he doesn't have a blog at the moment, so I've got to host it for him. The e-mail was titled "Manhood enlargement for you":

Very droll.

And with that, time to return to revision mode - exams start on Thursday. Woo.


> And with that, time to return to revision mode - exams start on Thursday. Woo.

Bloody "Woo" ?!
Has uni done strange things to your mind, or were you always this way? I can't remember.

It was a sarcastic woo :)

Nice to see you around - come into tr or honeycomb sometime! :)

Oh help me, why do i keep checking here with some kind of sick obsessive problem. When will i realise you dont update *that* often ~:P

Felt like somebody else had taken over the film... god help anyone who isn't a huge Matrix fan and is trying to work out the story line for Reloaded!

Having seen X2 the week before I have to say that X2 was by far a better sequel. I lot rests on the Revolutions...

You can buy lots of bears doing odd things like that in the gadget shop. Dead overpriced, but they have some quite cool things in there ocassionally.

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