Diary: May 2003

We Love... Energy Efficient Housemates?

Tristan and Jason saw an advert on television during the holiday. Apparently, it said "leaving your television on standby will use as much energy as an entire evening's viewing". So they thought 'Crap! We're burning money!', and have taken to turning it off.

While I see their point that wasting money is bad, it is a lot more convenient to press the power button on the remote. And modern life is all about convenience isn't it. In other words, sitting down and realising I've got to stand up again, is pissing me off.

But anyway, I ...

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We Love Coursework

This is just getting silly. I've been working on various bits of coursework non-stop for the past 2 or 3 months. Well, not quite true. I stopped for food, sluggy, pub and teaching holiday courses.

Today, I woke up at 12. I am going to bed now. the sun is coming up.

Today, I made some silly little boxes line up.

In the scheme of things, I have got virtually nowhere.

Tomorrow, I will wake up and do the same.

Such is the nature of coursework. Gotta love it.

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