Diary: May 2003

The Meaning Of Life - FAQ

Thanks to Andrew for pointing me at The Meaning Of Life FAQ. This guy had far too much free time on his hands.

And I hate PHP, I really do. What a stupid stupid language with a rediculous syntax. You want to match '\]', you'd think a regexp for \\] would do the job - escape the \. But no, it needs to escape those, since the string parser sees \\ and thinks 'ah, thats a \ thats been escaped', so sends off \] to the regexp parser, which thinks 'ah, thats a ] thats been escaped'. Retarded. And it makes you have rediculous regular expressions like ...

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The Best Book Ever

I completely forgot to mention that I have in my posession the most perfect book ever written.

It is called "The little book of essential foreign swear words".

Finally, armed with phrases in French, German, Spanish and Italian, including such gems as "I think I might have stepped on something unpleasant. Yes, it's your country." and "Please stop talking loudly in that annoying language", I can holiday upon the continent.


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