Latest diary entries

Ramblings about cats, games and miscellanea.

I'm not dead, just busy

Well, that's the longest break we've ever had, I believe. Nearly a month and a half?!

In my defence, I have been very busy - I won't bore you with details, but in the middle of it all, my desktop caught a virus, twice, and I got paranoid so wiped my network. I still haven't had a chance to finish restoring files, and haven't got round to correctly restoring my e-mail - I did it wrong the first time, so all the archives are incorrectly dated to the 23rd September 2008. Woo.

When rebuilding my machines, I ...

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We Still Love Labour

Today, our glorious leader Mr Brown announced measures to help people on low incomes who are struggling to pay their energy bills, and discounted insulation for the rest. That's nice.

However, I bring you an exclusive - my source inside the government has passed me this discarded early draft of his statement:

The taxpayer will pay for energy for the poor! What, you have a job? Already have insulation? Struggling to pay your rising mortgage, food bills and your own energy bills? Don't care - sell your house, downsize and give us the profit! You what, it's a market ...

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Chrome Falls Short

I'm going to be controversial and go ahead and say I'm not at all impressed by Google's new browser.

Yes yes, I know, I'm sure that the dev team are sobbing as they read this. But they should have tried harder, even if this is a beta. Take their security model, for example. I'm very wary about installing firefox add-ons - it's potentially worse than installing a keylogger, or having my router compromised. What I want to see in my browser is a better security model for third party add-ons, and a proper sandbox that ...

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Firebug Bug Explained: It's Firefox 3

I have only swapped one of my machines to Firefox 3 because I rely on the net tab of Firebug for quite a bit of my work, and I've noticed problems with it in Firefox 3: downloads of files that were included on the page weren't showing up. It only seemed to happen when frames were involved, but as I do quite a bit of work with frames, that's a big deal for me. So I've been waiting patiently for the Firebug team to fix it, while I do my testing on my Firefox 2 machine ...

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