A busy couple of months

Once again, the diary has fallen silent while I've been caught up with other things.

Work-wise, I've nearly finished the CMS, and I've written a bunch of Django components as part of it, which I plan to release gradually as separate projects, so I'm hoping they should prove interesting to those of you who like that sort of thing. I also have several other projects that are nearly there (sysadmin, javascript etc), so I'm hoping 2011 will be full of releases, although that depends on how much real work I've got on.

Of course, I'll need somewhere to release this stuff, so I'm also in the process of refurbishing radiac.net to focus on personal stuff, and preparing to launch a sister site where I plan to move my code projects.

Other than work, my voyage into the world of DIY continues. In the past few months I have partially boarded the loft, regrouted and resealed the shower, decorated most of the rooms, drilled lots of holes in walls, and soon I will be replacing the bathroom taps - if I can ever figure out how to turn the hot water off.


I, for one, like "that sort of thing".

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