10 for 10 on 10/10/10 at 10:10:10
Hurrah! Happy 10/10/10 10:10:10 second, everyone! I had announced that to commemorate this amazing moment in time, and to celebrate (very approximately) 10 years of the very finest site on the entire internet (this one), I would release 10 of the projects that I have been working on! But since then, I had an even better idea, one that is about 10 times as awesome: instead of releasing 10 projects, I would release one project which is 10 years old! Yeah!
This decision has absolutely nothing to do with several unexpected and time-consuming work projects, and is in no way linked to not having 10 projects ready for release.
Without further ado, I proudly present my BBC BASIC full WIMP skeleton library! Not only that, but I also threw in my light WIMP skeleton library, and am re-releasing DImager - a handy disk image reader/writer in its own right, but it is also written using the full WIMP skeleton library, so will serve as a useful reference in your own projects!
What's more, if your browser supports JavaScript, you can see the source code in all its syntax-highlighted glory! Although if you find this code useful, chances are you'll need to find a more powerful computer - try borrowing a friend's mobile phone.
For anyone looking to add syntax highlighting to their BBC BASIC source, you're welcome to grab my BBC BASIC VI brush for SyntaxHighlighter! Check me out, I just keep on giving!
It took me a while to get the tokenised BBC BASIC files on there - I couldn't get Ubuntu to mount the floppy disk. There is also some documentation, but it's been 10 years, so do forgive me if it's a little high-level.
Awesome or what?! Bring on 11/11/11 11:11:11!
Happy fun memories! Prog3 for the win!
I like skulls
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