Eye Watch 2009

It appears I'm getting worse at remembering to write diary entries. Over the past 9 years I have written 1287 entries, which averages about 12 a month, but due to work and procrastination that has dropped way off over the past year, and I'm barely managing 1 a month now. I have several draft posts half-written, just need to finish them, and get back into the flow of delivering you the minutia of my everyday life. Anyway, I expect you are all desperate for news of my eyes, so I will get on with it.

A month on from my previous post and my eyes are essentially healed. I can see one line better than 20:20 in both eyes, individually and together; although there is still a little dryness from time to time, it's a lot less frequent, and even then there is no pain, just a little discomfort, quickly fixed with a drop of fake tears.

It's great being able to just grab my sunglasses and walk outside without needing to put my contact lenses in, and being able to go out in the morning and come back in the evening without my contact lenses getting uncomfortable is brilliant.

The only downside is that I keep going to remove my glasses when I get in the shower or go to bed - I guess the years of training will take a while to overcome. And I'm still a bit disappointed my new laser eyes can't scan barcodes or etch bacon, but guess I should have read the literature a bit more carefully.

The optician says it will still be another couple of months before they will be fully healed, so until then I'll still need to use my drops from time to time, and I shouldn't really rub my eyes hard otherwise I'll risk damaging the newly-grown epithelial cells, but other than that, my eyes are now perfect.

To conclude, last time I asked "would I recommend it", and my answer was to ask me again in another few weeks. Well, now I can say that yes, I would recommend it. LASEK may have a slower recovery time than LASIK, but there's less risk rubbing your eyes, and the end results are evidently just as good. I can now see.


I will definitely keep the non-barcode-scanning in mind, if I ever choose to get laser eye surgery. Do they do re-colouring while they're at it?


I can absolutely relate to the taking off of glasses as being the habit of many years. I think it is something you do almost subconsciously, ie off to bed and as part of the getting into bed process, like turning back the bedcover you take the glasses off.

So, with eyes in "good nick" we shall see more merry postings from you? - Says she who seldom gets around to it herself :-P

I don't know about re-colouring, but I guess I could now wear coloured contact lenses... The real reason I've had it done though is so I'm ready for when HUD contacts come out, so I can browse the internet as I walk down the street. It's only a matter of time!

I've been wearing glasses for nearly 20 years; other than breathing and eating, I can't think of anything I've done longer! Guess it's only natural it'll take me a while to get used to it.

I will try to write more entries! It's going to be a busy couple of months coming up, but I'll aim to get better by the end of the year!


Give it another 20 years and you'll be putting glasses back on I'm afraid!

Nothing laser surgery can do to combat Presbyopia for which you'll need reading glasses!

This is true; LASEK/LASIK works by reshaping the cornea, but presbyopia is due to the muscles getting weak/lazy, or something like that.

But even then that's 20 years that I don't have to buy or wear glasses and contact lenses - I think that's worth it!

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