
As you may have noticed, I've been remarkably silent here so far this year. This is due in part to moving random comments onto twitter rather than expanding them into longer diary posts as I did in the past - I've got a couple of posts to make about things I've twittered about recently, so hopefully this won't be the only post in May.

But mostly I've been quiet because I've been up to a lot. We're trying to buy a house; I've cooked a couple of excellent puddings (must update the recipes); and I've taken up archery, having lessons for an hour or so a week.

And of course, in between my hectic social life detailed above, I've tried to fit in a bit of work. 20-22 working hour days for 6-7 days a week have been common since Christmas. I misunderestimated my January and February projects and failed to take account of unpredictable day-to-day spikes, which has knocked me off track - even with the overtime, the project I'd pencilled in to complete at the end of March wasn't complete until mid-May. Not helped by deadline confusion with the client, who expected it in February. Always confirm things in writing...

However, I'm definitely getting on top of things now; my inbox is down to 12 outstanding tasks from the peak of 150+, I'm back to a ~24 hour turnaround on most tasks, and I've at last reached the first deliverable of my new Django-based CMS. Still a lot left to do, but I've started moving client sites to it, and after 10 years of on-off development, I'm finally getting somewhere. Two more deliverables and I should be ready for a beta release, so it actually looks like I might get it out before Duke Nuken Forever - bonus.

So, this year there has been progress, but there's a lot more to do. But that can wait for another entry.


I am you from the future. You cannot ever release your CMS. If you do, the very laws of physics themselves will untangle, resulting in an extreme mess and making it impossible to ever make pudding again. You cannot allow this to happen.

Gosh! Well, thanks for the warning - I guess I can sacrifice my CMS for the sake of the pudding. Seems like a pretty compelling reason to spend the rest of the year playing GTA. Thanks, future me!

William Black

I do have a preference for Kuwaiti girls, actually. However, good luck with the CMS.

Oh yeah! I remember posting that!

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