Rubbish Bin Ettiquette

It has come to my attention that it has literally been months since I last wrote about anything that is of no consequence. I shall therefore correct this oversight immediately.

Since I last wrote about rubbish, there have been startling developments here at Radiac Towers regarding our bins - we now have a rota. We stopped doing the bins about a year ago, mostly because someone has taken to putting them out the morning before, 24 hours in advance. The council can fine you if you put it out before 6pm, so we're not in a hurry to compete for liability. However, the neighbour in question apparently tired of doing it on their own, so told the building management to arrange a rota. Our first week was Christmas week, but we were both away, so we swapped with a neighbour to this week.

Because of Christmas and New Year national holidays, our bin collection has been postponed until Friday. We were aware of this because we are competent. Sadly, the lovely neighbour who we swapped with was not aware of the change, thought that collection day was today as usual, and that we had forgotten to take the rubbish out, so dragged the bins to the kerb this morning.

Now, this mix-up is hardly going to keep me awake at night, but what is the correct course of action in this situation? Should I care what the neighbour thinks, and go round to explain in order to clear my name? Should I drag the rubbish back inside, and leave a passive-aggressive note pinned to the top of the bins? Or should I empty the rubbish on the neighbour's doorstep, and jump up and down in it excitedly screaming 'RUBBISH' at the top of my voice, over and over again, until she calls the police and has me taken away? Or should I just stop wasting my time with this entry, and get on with my work?

Life is full of dilemmas.

In other news, yesterday I saw an Easter egg for sale in the Co-op - 4 months and 14 days early. Needless to say, I bought it and ate it. Happy Easter!


The solution, obviously, is to shoot your neighbour and blame the binmen.

I think you've been watching too much Commando! Although technically speaking, you can never watch too much Commando.

I've gone for a sarcastic note pinned to the door of the bin shed. Think that should suffice!


Personally, I think a solely aggressive note would have worked better. As well as dragging the bins in and putting them in the way of all the cars!



Hmm. I must be too nice... I was thinking a "Thanks for worrying about it, but the collection is tomorrow, as detailed in the Christmas Collection leaflet."

But I wouldn't actually bother about it at all. It's just bins.

Indeed! This entry is truly a return to form, inconsequential facts shall pour fourth from my fingertips once more!


Happy Christmas!

George Feellahaddock

Never cross a bedwin girl. They'll fight.



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