I'm not dead, just busy

Well, that's the longest break we've ever had, I believe. Nearly a month and a half?!

In my defence, I have been very busy - I won't bore you with details, but in the middle of it all, my desktop caught a virus, twice, and I got paranoid so wiped my network. I still haven't had a chance to finish restoring files, and haven't got round to correctly restoring my e-mail - I did it wrong the first time, so all the archives are incorrectly dated to the 23rd September 2008. Woo.

When rebuilding my machines, I've switched to Ubuntu, almost. Still some Windows stuff I need (Office and Flash), so I'm dual-booting my desktop, and running a VM on the laptop.

I'm also having difficulty finding a good Gnome text editor. Although I'm happy with vim on the command line, I prefer something a bit more graphical on the desktop - eclipse is overkill, but everything else seems to be lacking some critical functionality, like syntax highlighting, being able to paste to where the cursor is, or opening files.

Just heard on the radio that people who want disability benefit from the state are going to have to have a medical check. You mean they didn't already?

Anyway, other highlights of the past few months include going to the Great British Cheese Festival in Cardiff, which was a bit rubbish compared to the previous two years, getting pulled over by a concerned road user after chunks of metal fell off my car, writing a jQuery cross-domain POST library and an MVC framework, teaching adults the theory of how to make websites, and we bought an ice cream maker to make Quintuple Chocolate Awesomeness a reality. And yes, it does taste as good as it sounds.


People who want disability benefit do undergo a medical check, but it's a one-off thing (or perhaps an annual one). The new system means that health will be assessed on a continual basis.

George Feellahaddock

Kuwaiti girls are the best!!

Try jEdit. I used this for a while before I switched to Notepad++. Java, so cross-platform.

Dan: That's what I get for learning about current events from radio 1, I guess...

George: Thank you for your contribution :)

Xob: Today, I shall mostly be using jEdit. Most promising, thanks!

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