Mildly embarrassing moment #56732 in the life of me

Singing word-like gibberish sounds loudly to the tune of "Ain't no sunshine" by the Lighthouse Family, while programming and excitedly waggling my head around in time to the beat, and then looking up at the completely-not-soundproofed window and catching the postman staring in with a perplexed look on his face.

Yet another reason to keep the curtains drawn.



The curse of Creeky strikes again...


it could have been worse, you could have been in the nuddy


Not if Creeky's hands were anywhere within arm's length of anything at all!

I know, there is that! On the scale of 'looking through the window' embarrassment it only scores a 'mild' - I remember a particularly amusing story about a boy at school, a free period, the upstairs common room and someone on a ladder outside cleaning the windows.

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