Diary: December 2006
Several years ago I made a website for someone who started our dealings with the immortal phrase "I want a website, but I don't want to pay for it."
To cut a long story short, I did the website, registered a domain and still host the website to this day, all for free. It was for someone I now consider a friend, so this doesn't bother me too much - but still, I'm now out of pocket for 6 years of domain renewals. Sure, they're not that bad, but it does add up.
He contacted me a ...
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So it's not looking so good for my Christmas Story, is it? The things I'm doing are taking a surprisingly long amount of time to get right, and I'm rapidly running out of time. The past few weeks have been rather busy with work and other things, and I can't see it letting up before the weekend - by which point I will be without internet access anyway. Unless there's a Christmas Miracle, it looks like you'll be stuck with last year's stuff - for this, I apologise!
I must also apologise for forgetting to ...
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Those of you who are employed by someone else will probably not know that online self assessment tax returns have to be in by the 30th of December.
I, however, did know - they wrote to me in April and told me. Today is the 21st of December, and that means that I have 8 days left in which to submit my tax return.
It's not that I forgot, it's just that I have been incredibly efficient at putting it off. It's not that numbers scare me, it's just that these numbers have consequences. And that I ...
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To say this this is interesting perhaps says more about my current state of mind than the value of the quote, but I thought I'd share this little gem about the taxation of websites:
The cost of a web site is analogous to that of a shop window. The cost of constructing the window is capital; the cost of changing the display from time to time is revenue.
(From: hmrc.gov.uk)
Also, computer software is classed as revenue expenditure if it has a life expectancy of under two years, otherwise it is capital cost. And according to the ...
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I'm off to Kent now to spend Christmas with my Dad and my Gran. I realise that leaving at 5pm on the Friday before Christmas weekend isn't really ideal - I've spent today catching up on the work that was due before Christmas that I should have done last week. Slightly irritating thing is that it's apparently now not needed until the first or second week of January - still, I wasn't to know that.
Gah! Why is it that Windows Unison only ever fails in the middle of a sync when I'm in a hurry ...
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