Driving, Wedding, Cheesing, Working, Stuff

No updates for a while, so I thought I'd just write a quick one. Drove up to Newcastle for Meri and Elly's wedding last weekend - it was an excellent wedding, and there are many photos on Flickr (although most of the ones of me are of me stuffing my face). I haven't finished my cheese from the cheese festival yet, although I attacked Simon and Nat's cheese last week when I went over to Oxford for their cheese and wine party, which was an excellent cheese and wine party, even though I didn't drink any of the wine.

Hmm, what else? Apart from that I've pretty much just been working flat out, late nights and early mornings and all that. Nearly on top of the immediate work-load; the CMS has been working for the past few days, but in my hurry I've bodged the framework, and it has turned into an ugly hack so needs rewriting. This time in PHP 5 - sure, PHP 4 may be more widely adopted, but that's like saying Valve should design HL2 to run best on a P2-233 with an 8MB onboard graphics card. PHP 4 really sucks.

Think that's about all, apart from to say happy birthday to my great aunt, even though she will never read this because she doesn't have a computer. Hmm. I should send a card.

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