The Great Mobile Phone Adventure

First, a little history. Many years ago, I had a series of very large mobile phone bills. At the time I was on the legendary Orange Everyday 50 tariff - 50 free minutes every day? Nice. However, I was living in uni accomodation with no landline to use, so I was regularly overrunning the 50 minutes, as well as making cross-provider calls and sending lots of text messages. A change was in order.

I looked around, and settled on upgrading my orange contract to a new one. They were only too happy to do that - ED50 was bleeding them dry, and they moved me on to something where I got a few more bundled minutes, a few texts, and all was good for them and me.

But then I moved out of uni accomodation and had a landline. I wasn't happy, so I had a look around, and O2 looked good. I mean really good. So I gave it a go.

It did not go well. They stole £50, refused to give it back for a year and a half, so I ended up sticking with Orange.

Just over a year ago I was unhappy again, so this time rang up and threatened to move. They went out of their way to help me, and fixed me up with a good deal. The £34/month still wasn't that great, but the bundled texts made it worth sticking with them.

Then, a few months ago, they removed my bundled texts.

I have therefore decided to move to T-Mobile. £15/month for 100 minutes and 140 texts? Yes please. That's a saving of £228/year, before you even take into account the saving I'll be making on the texts.

Only snag is that I have to order today, or the £15/month deal turns into £20/month - still good, but that's an extra £60/year for putting it off. They don't have the phone I wanted in stock (the Nokia 6280) and won't put it on order. But they do have the 6230i, so that'll do - I'm very happy with my 6230, and I don't have a burning desire for the 6280 - the only reason I want a new phone is that this one is worn out. So the money wins it.

Which leads us to where I am now. I rang up sales half an hour ago to ask some questions, and got through within a minute. However, I've been on hold for nearly 10 minutes now that I'm actually trying to buy it. I'm almost tempted to go use the web interface, but after my experience with O2... I think I'll stay on hold.



You didn't mention all the expert advice you were provided with!

Oh, and my 6280 is very nice :P


Well, Well, Well.

I have just come across Radiac and even DavidH! Wow. The people from Trekkers Rest are still alive! I wonder what everyone else is doing these days!!


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