New Chair, New Books, New Birthday

At the weekend I went out and bought a new chair from Staples. It's comfortable and I think I'm sitting in a good position. Only time will tell if it helps the shoulder thing, but so far so good.

I also went and ordered some books from Amazon last week. Tell me again why Amazon are so great? Their suggested page didn't suggest anything I wanted to get, and I had to leave the order process 4 times because they wouldn't let me move back to change things. They didn't tell me I'd be able to change it all at the end, so now I feel very silly. But still, it's the principle of the thing!

Their stock management seems to be even worse, or at least the public end of it; they said two of the books would be 2-4 weeks, so I took those off the list, but I went back the next day and they were available for despatch within 24 hours. I'm still waiting for that order to arrive, but if their stock system had said 'more expected within 1-3 days' I would have put it all in the one order and it would have arrived on Friday. At least Dabs let you know when things are coming in.

More on the books in a few days time when I've had a chance to read them. A couple of them look good, especially JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, which has already spurred me on to pick up the JavaScript again. Bad Richard, concentrate on the ActionScript for now. I might document the development of some of my JavaScript libraries and put them up as tutorials at some point in the future - read that as I've started to write a tutorial, I'll see if I ever get round to finishing it.

And it's my birthday on Wednesday! Yay!


o/~ happy birthday to you o/~

o/~ We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!!! o/~


Happy burfday Rads

Thank you everyone!

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